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By the CarteNav Team

Heliwest Group Benefits from CarteNav Software Upgrade

Australian company, Heliwest, upgrades AIMS-HD software - extending flexibility to complete multiple mission types with their fleet of airborne assets.

Completion of a recent software upgrade for Heliwest has led to increased capability allowing the Aviation Services company to fulfill a broader portfolio of missions in Western Australia.

Heliwest, one of CarteNav’s earliest customers, saw huge value in keeping their AIMS-HD software updated, and has recently upgraded to version 7.2. This latest version incorporates additional capabilities that Heliwest has wasted no time in exploiting.

“The software was so easy to use, we were able to train firefighters with no previous experience of the system to quickly become proficient and effective in the air”

Luke Aspinall, Manager of Special Operations for the Heliwest Group expanded on the benefits of being able to use the same system for a diverse set of missions “We use the same AIMS-HD software no matter what the platform or mission – Search and Rescue, fire monitoring, Airborne Law Enforcement, and oil spill monitoring. It allows us to make huge efficiencies across our fleet and mission tasking”.

Eurocopter (now Airbus) BO105LS and AS350 of Heliwest

Heliwest uses a mixed fleet of helicopters, including the Bolkow 105, AS350 Squirrel, and Bell 206.

Mr. Aspinall continued “The software was so easy to use, we were able to train firefighters with no previous experience of the system to quickly become proficient and effective in the air”.

The aircraft were operational with the new software straight away, and achieved over 150 flight hours in the first fire season, responding to between one and six incidents per day, with each lasting between three to nine hours. One officer controlled the camera, moving map, and the downlinks, while the mission commander relayed mission information gained from the software to a team on the ground.

The operators were trained to handle anything up to three concurrent incidents, ranging in size from small-scale fires up to large scale disasters needing a ground-based controller.

The versatility of CarteNav’s software meant it has been invaluable for other missions too, such as infrastructure monitoring and inspection. “We used AIMS-HD for a fibre-optic link corridor survey. A task that would have taken months by other means took us 3-4 days flying low and slow over a 780km stretch. The software was able to accurately log position and capture geo-referenced sites for the whole link” added Mr. Aspinall.

More recently, the software upgrade has provided features such as in-video street overlays and a comprehensive street address lookup database, ideal for Airborne Law Enforcement missions.

“We have recently upgraded from version 6.8 to version 7.2 and we use this version very effectively in the Airborne Law Enforcement role.” said Mr. Aspinall.

The flexibility of the software means that an operator can be effective across multiple mission types in a variety of scenarios, providing huge benefits to both the operator and the fleet.

“One of the other benefits of working with CarteNav is their responsiveness” continued Mr. Aspinall. “The company responded very quickly to our needs and provided great training, which allowed us to quickly become operational.”

About CarteNav

CarteNav Solutions Inc. is an international leader in mission management and sensor management software solutions for the airborne, land, and maritime environments. Founded in 2002, CarteNav offers operationally proven software that dramatically improves the performance of both sensor operators and tactical decision makers. The company has established a reputation for providing sought-after and high-value software solutions that meet the needs of the most demanding missions.

About Heliwest

The Heliwest Group is a wholly owned and operated Australian business established in 1992. Heliwest combines expertise and resources to provide premier aviation and engineering services to a broad range of clients, in particular those in the mining and resource sector. Heliwest is also an approved Check and Training organisation and has the largest flight school in Australasia. It has grown to become one of Australasia’s leading helicopter companies and is now the largest onshore helicopter operator in Western Australia.

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