On-Demand Virtual Event

C4ISR and Beyond 2021

Register below to receive a 30 minute presentation recording titled, "ISR on Demand: Data Distribution Models for Today's Mission" by CarteNav COO, Carl Daniels.

Wasn’t able to join CarteNav at Vanguard’s annual C4ISR and Beyond event? Register below to watch the recorded presentation and learn how CarteNav is developing C4ISR software to address today’s safety, security, economic, and environmental threats facing Canada.

  • Learn about new emerging technologies and capabilities such as AIMS-ISR and AIMS-C4 that can help solve the challenges of interoperability.
  • Understand how C4ISR is being used as a valuable tool to protect civilians.
  • Hear about unique and innovative C4ISR technology solutions that can make defence and security operations more effective, mobile, and independent.


Watch On-Demand

Register below to receive a 30 minute presentation recording titled, "ISR on Demand: Data Distribution Models for Today's Mission" by CarteNav COO, Carl Daniels.